Laser-induced phase transition and ablation on the surface of solids (Review)
Journal Title: Поверхня - Year 2018, Vol 25, Issue 10
Phase transitions to be the basis of wide circle of processes of change of composition, structure and properties of materials flowing of that in time is determined by kinetics of transfer of warmth and mass in solids. By the basic distinctive feature of the laser affecting the condensed environments, in a difference from other energy sources, there is locality. In particular, locality determines possibility of receipt of large capacity at times, locality in space determines the high closeness of energy, locality in a frequency range predetermines terms for a management by the process of absorption of radiation by a substance. Therefore, classic theory of phase transitions, that is built on thermodynamics ideas about the slow processes of transfer of heat and mass in many cases influences of laser radiation appears useless and requires substantial modification. By volume character of absorption of laser radiation, heterogeneity of distribution of intensity of thermal sources in space and time, unstationarity and unisothermal of flowing processes substantially complicated the physical and mathematical models of phase transitions, produced by a laser radiation. In this review the peculiarity of phase transitions (transformations) and ablations that take place under influence of intensive laser radiation in opaque absorptive solids is examined in detail. The modern models of the structure-phase passing to hard state and transitions are considered hard state-liquid in covalently semiconductors. The mechanisms of formation of laser-induced instability are separately analyzed in solids. Various is analyzed the theoretical models of laser ablation and border of their application are Considered process of laser ablation of large molecules from the purpose-made matrices.
Authors and Affiliations
O. Yu. Semchuk, O. O. Havryliuk, A. A. Biliuk
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