Aim: To evaluate the effect of different percentage elongations on the ultimate tensile
strength of 24 and 26 gauge stainless steel wires.
Materials and Methods: 5 sets of wires were taken from a single spool of 26 gauge...
Introduction Numerous studies have been conducted based on the natural mouthwashes with fewer side effects as an alternative to chemical ones The aim of this study is to compare clinically and microbiologically the anti...
Aim The purpose of this study is to compare the survival rate of orthodontic brackets using two different bonding techniquesMaterials and Methods Twenty patients requiring fixed orthodontic treatment were selected accord...
It is well documented that restoration of posterior atrophied maxilla with implants is a complex entity in itself. Since, implant placement in this area is often accompanied by sinus lift which itself is a morbid procedu...
We present 2 cases of Trigeminal neuralgia TN refractory to medicinal therapy The patients had pain that was unilateral along distribution of the trigeminal nerve trunk particularly the second and third trunk Peripheral...
EP ID EP512890
DOI 10.18231/2393-9834.2018.0001
Views 37
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How To Cite
Prof. (Dr. ) Vinod Sachdev (2018). Lasers- Hallmark lineage of clinical dentistry. Journal of Dental Specialities, 6(1),
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Effect of pre-stretching of surgical stainless steel wires on their ultimate load bearing strength - a prospective study
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An in vivo comparative analysis of bond survival rate between two different bonding techniques
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Atrophied maxilla restored with a pterygo-maxillary implant a case report
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Use of glycerol in treatment of refractory trigeminal neuralgia - A report of 2 cases
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