Lay Persons as the Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion (can. 230 § 3 of the Code of Canon Law)
Journal Title: Kościół i Prawo - Year 2014, Vol 3, Issue 1
This article is devoted to the analysis of legal norms regarding the license lay persons to perform task of extraordinary minister of Holy Communion (can. 910 § 2 in conjunction with can. 230 § 3). The author in the first place focused on explaining the concept of officio supplere, used in can. 230 § 3 Code of Canon Law, relative to laity extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, and then he approached history of the institution of extraordinary minister of Holy Communion in Church. Analysis also covered the regulations on the competence of extraordinary minister of Holy Communion, such as the 1) distribute Holy Communion (can. 910 § 2); 2) bringing the Most Holy Eucharist as Viaticum to the sick (can. 911 § 2); 3) exposition and reposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament (can. 943), with the release of abuses that may appear in this matter.
Authors and Affiliations
Paweł Zając
Studia z prawa kanonicznego w odmętach reform
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Paweł Zając, Kościoły partykularne w ustawodawstwie Jana Pawła II. Zarys problematyki, Lublin: Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL 2015