Le due vie del Sal 1 nell’interpretazione di san Tommaso d’Aquino
Journal Title: Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne - Year 2016, Vol 30, Issue
In the presentation of the subject – preceded by an Introduction, where is presented the Commentary Super Psalmos of the Aquinas – the author examines the saint Thomas’ interpretations of the Psalm 1 texts regarding the topic of this research and presents three points: 1 – The principal characteristic and the division of the Psalm 1; 2 – The processus ad beatitudinem; 3 – The felicitatis eventus. The presentation of subject – who in reality speaks about the two ways: of the just and of the impious, and has the culmination in the final judgment – is enriched whit the Aquinas’ commentaries of the cited texts of saint Paul and saint John, confronted with the contemporary exegesis. All this permits to the author to conclude that the interpretation of the Psalm 1 presented by Saint Thomas is very clear, rich and remains valid and topical and permits to remain in the faith and doctrine of the catholic Church.
Authors and Affiliations
Wiesław Dąbrowski
Smutek pocieszony. J. Ratzingera/Benedykta XVI traktat o radości
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