Lead sheet necropolis suburbs of Olbia (hill on the west slope of the Hare beams)

Journal Title: Eminak - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 4


Opposite the western gate of the city Olbia settlement was suburb VI-IV centuries BC, which was located on the top of the hill west Hare beams. After the demise of the suburbs in the middle of the 4th century BC. e. upland area on the western slope Hare beams from the end of 4 century BC. part of the territory of the necropolis of the Hellenistic period. During a large collection of works lead votive product was collected on a Hellenistic necropolis and territories Predgradie. These findings have not been published, and cited only as an accompanying material. Basically, the material comes from burials of the Hellenistic period, completing the dromos and the various layers of plot Cape 1. The main type of lead product up – handles of various wooden structures, bucranium, Labrys, various figures and a lesser degree of items for household and commercial use, occurring in the territory of Olbia and choirs (spindles, fishing sinkers).

Authors and Affiliations

Dmytro Khmelevskij


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Dmytro Khmelevskij (2016). Lead sheet necropolis suburbs of Olbia (hill on the west slope of the Hare beams). Eminak, 0(4), 169-177. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-238990