Leadership And Organisational Strategies At Country Level. The Destiny Of A Nation

Journal Title: Manager Journal - Year 2018, Vol 28, Issue


Starting from the micro-social level and ending with the macro-social one, organising everything around us on the grounds of sound strategies and of a leadership-based approach represents a key element for achieving the established goals, irrespective of their nature, in terms of maximum possible efficiency. If when dealing with an organisation, be it lucrative or non-profit, small or large as size, adopting the right strategies and choosing the best leadership methods and techniques might look reasonably accessible, when coming about conceiving and applying the same to large aggregates, as it is the national economy, things could turn into real challenges very difficult to deal with. For these reasons, the present paper tries to render the most important issues to consider from such perspective, treating them both under the form of an experience-based analysis and under the one of proposed directions to follow for getting better results for all stakeholders.

Authors and Affiliations

Oana Simona Hudea


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How To Cite

Oana Simona Hudea (2018). Leadership And Organisational Strategies At Country Level. The Destiny Of A Nation. Manager Journal, 28(), 24-32. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-669630