Leadership competencies at Tata steel Jamshedpur since Globalization
Journal Title: International Journal of Scientific Research and Management - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 7
Central problem of globalization is competition, because the principal driving force in the globalization process today is precisely to gain profits world over, and for this firms now have to formulate strategies which allow them to exploit all available sources of competitiveness on whatever markets they choose to compete. This, of course, has been made possible on the one hand by advances in technological progress, which have greatly increased the scope of the international division of labor and factor m ovement, and on the other by the liberalization of world trade in the course of the various rounds of multilateral trade negotiations. But in its widest sense competition also means the survival of the fittest, and indeed it has been said that competition kills competition. The present study endeavors to study the leadership competencies of Tata steel since globalization.
Authors and Affiliations
Utpal chakraborty
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