Leading over the Long Run: Rhetorical Consequentialism and Rhetorical Leadership

Journal Title: Res Rhetorica - Year 2019, Vol 6, Issue 2


Because the goals leaders and organizations seek typically require persistent engagement over time, rhetorical leadership has as a central concern the long-term consequences of the leader’s rhetorical choices. Although traditional rhetorical theory downplayed this long-term perspective in favor of the singular rhetorical engagement (such as a speech), rhetorical theorists have begun considering the rhetorical implications of persuasion wrought over the long-run. This essay applies rhetorical consequentialism, a theoretical perspective developed by the author, to explain the orientation and strategies the rhetorical leader must consider in longterm persuasion. Leaders must be concerned about consistency over time to avoid charges of waffl ing, delusion, lying, hypocrisy, and the like if they are to maintain their ethos and that of their organizations. They also should take positive steps to create the symbolic and material conditions for rhetorical success over the long run. The essay describes „constraint avoidance” strategies that limit inconsistencies over time, as well as „stage-setting” strategies that prepare the symbolic and material ground for future rhetorical success. The essay draws examples from American political rhetoric, especially that of Donald Trump, to illuminate these strategies. The essay concludes by considering the challenges and prospects of such strategies.

Authors and Affiliations

Clarke Rountree


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  • EP ID EP602039
  • DOI 10.29107/rr2019.2.1
  • Views 99
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How To Cite

Clarke Rountree (2019). Leading over the Long Run: Rhetorical Consequentialism and Rhetorical Leadership. Res Rhetorica, 6(2), 2-18. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-602039