Learning Lessons for public health from Polio eradication in India
Journal Title: International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health - Year 2014, Vol 3, Issue 4
after small pox, poliomyelitis seems to be on the right path of eradication and very sooner we will be achieving polio free world . [1] But the success of eradication of polio in India seems to be a great achievement because the biomedical hurdles and technical obstacles in polio eradicat ion were thought to be insurmountable till very late in many international forums but the same have started appreciating the efforts and now India has become a role model for whole world and remaining endemic countries . [2 ] India’s victory over polio has given an apt answer to the queries of intellectual critics all over the world who considered the time and resources spent in polio eradication initiative would go in vain as polio was non eradicable in India considering low standards of sanitation and hygiene or Wild Polio Viruses (WPVs) cannot be eradicated using OPV due to its huge genetic biodiversity and a host of other unexplained reasons . [3 ] The real journey started in 1988 when World Health Assembly (WHA) launched a gl obal goal to eradicate polio by 2000 India was always amongst the major contributor of poliomyelitis worldwide but since January 2011, no case of WPV was detected(indigenous or imported) and India along with South East Asia region is certified free of poli o by WHO officially on 27th March 2014 . [4 ] The lessons gained in the eradication process are immense but this article highlights the major ones which need to be capitalized for other programmes of public health to be successful in any part of the world
Authors and Affiliations
Dewesh Kumar, Neelesh Kapoor
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