Legal Character of the Resolutions Adopted by the General Meetings of Shareholders of Capital Companies

Journal Title: Krytyka Prawa. Niezależne studia nad prawem - Year 2014, Vol 6, Issue 1


The article discusses the legal character of resolutions adopted by the general meetings of shareholders of capital companies. A proper analysis of the issue predates the recall the definition of legal action. Then the two groups have been views: recognising the resolution for legal acts as well as refusing them as such. After the presentation of the opposing views presented was the position taken by the author. The main thesis of the article is the claim that, in the light of the analysis of the resolution of capital companies must be regarded as legal acts, which will cause a number of further consequences, inter alia in terms of defect issues resolutions of capital companies and the sanctions resulting from the defect.

Authors and Affiliations

Rafał Żebrowski


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How To Cite

Rafał Żebrowski (2014). Legal Character of the Resolutions Adopted by the General Meetings of Shareholders of Capital Companies. Krytyka Prawa. Niezależne studia nad prawem, 6(1), 415-428.