Legal culture of parliamentary procedures’ subjects


The article is devoted to the analysis of the legal culture of subjects of parliamentary procedures. The interpretation of the term and the legal features of this legal phenomenon are studied. It is summarized that the legal culture of subjects of parliamentary procedures is defined as the degree of legal development of the subject, the nature of his legal practice, the level of knowledqe of legal norms and objective assessment, prediction of the further development of society and state, the form of participation in the transformation of the legal reality, the level of legal activity, mastering the culture of legal thinking. The legal culture of subjects of parliamentary procedures can be manifested in such activities as: - participation in the reformation of the organization and activities of state authorities and local self-government; reforming the organization of elections to representative bodies by applying one or another type of electoral system; - increasing the role of civil society institutions in lawmaking, implementing the constitutional status of the parliament as the sole legislative authority, strengthening in accordance with the principle of the distribution of powers of its constituent and control functions; - creation of a proper system of information support law-making and other activities of state bodies; the use of wide-ranging national debates on bills, especially those that directly regulate relations between man and the state, establish the rights and obligations of citizens; - application of forms of direct democracy, in particular the use in accordance with the Constitution the people's legislative initiative, an all-Ukrainian referendum on draft laws directly related to the relations of man and the state, social needs of citizens; the introduction of a local referendum to resolve legal issues of local importance, etc.

Authors and Affiliations

І. В. Звоздецька


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How To Cite

І. В. Звоздецька (2017). Legal culture of parliamentary procedures’ subjects. Вісник Національного технічного університету України “Київський політехнічний інститут”. Політологія. Соціологія. Право., 1(), 190-193.