Journal Title: Мінеральні ресурси України - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue 3
Geologic prospecting works (GPW) as a process of geological subsoil study with the use of a complex of special works and investigations lead to information acquisition on different geological objects, that is a powerful basis for creation of favorable investment development due to the systematized disclosure of information as regards prospective territories for the projects for forecast and search, estimating, prospecting and extracting works. The purpose of work is an analysis of the features of geological information arrangement during the economic-geological evaluation of mineral reserves and resources in Ukraine; a characteristic (classification) of types of geological information acquired at different stages of geological and feasibility studies (EGE-3, EGE-2, EGE-1); determination of geological information reliability and quality according to a stage of works. As a result, all geological works lead to acquisition of information on different geological objects that can be subdivided into two main categories – primary and secondary one. The methods for determination of the cost of geological information by the results obtained at any stage of works on the geological subsoil study have been presented. The cost of geological information is determined in view of the expenses given in the reports on geological subsoil study incurred during the performance of cameral works on a subsoil plot within which the cost of geological information is determined. When regulating the procedure for arrangement (granting in use and sale) of geological subsoil information, it is necessary to take into account legal features of information acquired for public and private funds. Despite the existence of legal norms in the field of subsoil use relating to geological subsoil study, today a stable mechanism of its legal support is under formation in the meanwhile. The legislation regulating the relations in the field of geological subsoil study requires improvement and agreement with other branches of legislation, stable and clear legal definitions and guarantees.
Authors and Affiliations
Георгій Рудько, M. Tkachenko, S. Lytvyniuk
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