Legal regulation of the common use of subsoil for purposes not related to mining

Journal Title: Проблеми законності - Year 2016, Vol 134, Issue 134


The article is devoted to the basic legal aspects of legal regulation of the common use of subsoil for purposes not related to mining. An attempt is made to analyze and identify specific features and embodiments of the subsoil on a common basis. Regulatory deficiencies are identified the issue and find out possible ways to overcome the existing gaps in legislation on this issue. The issue of legal regulation of public use subsoil for purposes not related to mining caused the same problems as the general use of mineral resources for mining, such as lack of proper legislative consolidation of bases, methods and procedures of such use on general principles. General subsoil for purposes not related to mining is not associated with obtaining material and of material wealth, and aims to ensure citizens’ right to rest and leisure, to maintain and improve their health, meet their spiritual and cultural needs of others. It is important to emphasize that the right to access a wider context associated with the presence of the public interest in the use of natural (mineral) properties of the mineral resources in general, which should be implemented in a number of ways, including through the use of procedures for public participation in decisions about software access to the subsoil to meet personal needs. Most important in the regulation of general use subsoil for purposes not related to mining is ensuring its social accessibility. Availability conditioned the freedom of access of individuals to the natural (mineral) properties of the mineral resources for the implementation of this type of nature. In turn, this freedom of access is provided free of charge, and no need for special permits.

Authors and Affiliations

Роман Біловус


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  • EP ID EP174688
  • DOI 10.21564/2414-990x.134.79094
  • Views 83
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How To Cite

Роман Біловус (2016). Legal regulation of the common use of subsoil for purposes not related to mining. Проблеми законності, 134(134), 165-172.