Legal supportof information security of the society

Journal Title: Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 3


The information security of the society is a certain phenomenon and is based on the state information policy and laws which regulate the existing contradictions, guarantee the information freedom of citizens and their access to information in the national information space. However, a number of issues that arise in the field of law sciences in the context of legal support to the information security of society have not yet received due consideration. In particular, the legal problems for information security, its structure and mechanisms of action should be more clearly defined. And the legal problems of information security should be considered not only through the prism of information relations, but also in view of the system of public-management activities. The author investigate scientific research that has not developed a common mechanism for identifying and structuring the provision of information security, but for designating the components of its overall structure, the following designs are most often used: «directions», «mechanisms» and «ways» of provision. A number of normative acts in one part or another consider the issues of specific actions for the creation, collection, use of specific tax, customs information, processes, certain nuances of information dissemination and security regulate administrative, criminal and civil codified legislation, etc. Simultaneously, in the relevant laws, the categorical and conceptual framework of legal support of information security should be defined, as well as the direct competence of the specific subjects of the implementation of state policy in this area.

Authors and Affiliations

Kostyantyn Zakharenko


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How To Cite

Kostyantyn Zakharenko (2017). Legal supportof information security of the society. Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac, 0(3), 110-119.