Lei de acesso á informação: o cidadão enquanto sujeito informativo


This article deals with the issue of access to information as a fundamental human right. Many were the initiatives for the release of access to information in the National Archives in different countries, especially from the XVIII century. However this right effective gained prominence through the promulgation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), and finished in line to the laws of each country. Thus, there have been several initiatives with the establishment of the right to access to public information over the past century and the beginning of this century. The purpose is in this article address the issue of access to information as an object of public interest and which has direct effects on the community. For this we make use of a literature review in order to demonstrate that the effectiveness of access to information with the concept of democracy.Conducted a bibliographic review is carried out in order to clarify the historical process that has acquired the convergence for the creation of the Law on Access to Information (2011), concluding that access to information provides a possibility of awareness and civic emancipation, Political and social, guaranteeing to the individual a participation not only governed, but also as regulator of his government.

Authors and Affiliations

Amanda Gomes| Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais


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How To Cite

Amanda Gomes (2016). Lei de acesso á informação: o cidadão enquanto sujeito informativo. BIBLOS: Revista do Instituto de Ciencias Humanas & da Informacao, 30(2), 5-21. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-10392