Lempel - Ziv Implementation for a Compression System Model with Sliding Window Buffer


Proposed compression system architecture based on Lempel-Ziv algorithm with sliding window history buffer, this architecture may be realized on FPGA, and can provide input data streams from multiple sources and context switching. Base requirements to impression system and compression system architecture were proposed. Compression system architecture should provide quick reconstruction possibility for building another system with other technical characteristics and architecture features (like reconfigurable system architecture features) on given architecture base. Digital signal processing may comprise lined or non-lined procedures. Non-lined signal processing is strictly associated with no lined structure sympathy then can apply in this period, regularity, and patio-temporal fields.

Authors and Affiliations

Ahmad AlRababah


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  • EP ID EP153817
  • DOI 10.14569/IJACSA.2015.061014
  • Views 91
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How To Cite

Ahmad AlRababah (2015). Lempel - Ziv Implementation for a Compression System Model with Sliding Window Buffer. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications, 6(10), 101-104. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-153817