Leprosy: A study from Western Uttar Pradesh
Journal Title: National Journal of Research in Community Medicine - Year 2015, Vol 4, Issue 1
Introduction: Leprosy, also known as Hansen’s disease, is a chronic, granulomatous, infectious disease that primarily affects the skin and the peripheral nerves. India contributes about 80% of the global leprosy case load and every year approximately four lakh new cases of leprosy are detected in India. The present study was carried out to know the clinical profile of newly diagnosed leprosy patients in a tertiary centre in Western Uttar Pradesh. Material and methods: Design: Hospital based observational prospective study. Setting: Dermatology Out Patient Department. Study unit: All newly diagnosed cases of leprosy who presented in the Out Patient Department from December 2013 to August 2014. Study instruments: Pre-structured questionnaire, clinical examination and slit skin smear examination. Statistical analysis: Data analysed with SPSS 19.0. Results: A total of 64 cases were studied, of which 44 (68.7%) were males and 20 (31.2 %) were females. 12 (18.8%) showed a positive family/contact history. Deformity was noted in 19 (29.9%) of patients with lepromatous leprosy patients having maximium deformity. Overall 9 (14.1%) of patients had lepra reaction at the time of presentation. The Borderline Tuberculoid type was the most common presentation. Conclusions: Finding new cases of leprosy is not rare. Clinical findings and skin smear examination are required for early diagnosis and adequate treatment to make the patient of leprosy non-infectious. Early diagnosis and adequate treatment of cases with multi drug therapy, before nerve damage has occurred, is the most effective strategy for containment of disease.
Authors and Affiliations
Urf Urf, Tulika Rai, Samia Kirmani, Mohd Haroon Khan
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