Leveraging Mobility in Resolving Customer Complaints Electronically


How businesses resolve customer complaining behaviour effectively has been considered a “defensive marketing” strategy or a “zero-defections” strategy, which diminishes customer dissatisfaction. Handling customer dissatisfaction accompanies Web customer complaint management, which might be the critical issue for online customer service solutions and e-CRM. In this paper, we: 1) investigate the current methods of online/offline complaints; 2) current available solutions and their shortcomings3) provide guidelines for successful e-CRM. Fifty thousand customer complaints from different publicized e-business customer services were analyzedin this study. The research findings suggest that businesses should 1) provide excellent online customer services because customer service is the most important factor in customer satisfaction; 2) respond to customers’ requests/complaints fast because the response speed is more important in customer satisfaction; 3) a one-stop easy accessible destination for all customer issues and complaints makes customer satisfaction convenient and effective

Authors and Affiliations

Sibu Sahu


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How To Cite

Sibu Sahu (2014). Leveraging Mobility in Resolving Customer Complaints Electronically. International journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 1(7), 1081-1090. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-220973