لھجات قبائل العرب ونزول القرآن بلھجۃ قریش
Journal Title: The Islamic Culture "As-Saqafat-ul Islamia" الثقافة الإسلامية - Year 2018, Vol 39, Issue 39
لھجات قبائل العرب ونزول القرآن بلھجۃ قریش
Authors and Affiliations
Faqeer Hussain
لھجات قبائل العرب ونزول القرآن بلھجۃ قریش
Faqeer Hussain
Effects of Surroundings on Human Morals: A Critical Analysis
Almighty Allah indeed awarded the great honoured to the man and created him with the quality of great obedienc which is demanded by the teachings of islam that with the passage of time it would be better by the grace of...
وعی المرأۃ بدورھا الاجتما عی وأثرہ فی معالجۃ مشکلۃ الفقر
Human Resource Management Of Female Teaches in Deeni Madaris in Pakistan
Deeni Madaris are the cultural heritage of the Muslims. They are not only rendering a service to the cause of Islam, but are also lending a helping hand to the government in educating millions of children who cannot affo...
Evaluating the Legitimacy of Celebrating Mawlid-un-Nabi (PBUH)
INTRODUCTION: The legitimacy of Mawlid-un-Nabi is oftened questioned,since Mawlid is not expressly mentioned in the Quran or Hadiths.The aims of the article is to evaluate ligitimacy of celebrating the bith of Prophet Mu...
" Rights of Spouses" A Comparative Study of Arthashastra and Islamic Jurisprudence
According to Hinduism, marriage between two souls is a very sacred affair that stretches beyond one lifetime and may continue upto at least seven lives. Marriages in Hinduism, therefore, is not just a mutual contract bet...