
У статті розглянуто статус ляменту в жанровій системі ранньобарокової літератури як різновиду етикетної поезії. Визначено родо-видову приналежність ляментів, їхню спорідненість із панегіриками, функціональну та ідейно-змістову відмінність жанрів. Відзначено синкретичний характер жанру ляменту. Наголошено, що форма ляментації, оплакувальні елементи активно входять до структури творів інших жанрів, завдяки чому відбувається міжжанрова дифузія та стирання жанрових канонів ляменту. At the end of the 16th and the beginning of the 17th century the Ukrainian culture was influenced by the Greco-Slavic (Eastern, Christian) and Latin (Western, Renaissance) tendencies. At that time there emerged and developed a poetic genre of lament, which was the synthesis of the Ukrainian and Western European traditions, first of all the Polish ones. Lament is an ancient Ukrainian genre of epic poetry, which was written to commemorate the death of a famous secular or religious person in order to honor and grieve over the deceased. This poetry was intended for recitation during the funeral ritual. Lament is a kind of etiquette poetry. This conclusion was obtained on the basis of the analysis of classical (D. Chyzhevsky, V. Peretz) and modern studies (V. Koval, L. Shevchenko-Savchynska). The most well-known early Baroque funeral poems are: «Lament of the House of the Princes of Ostroh» by D. Nalyvaiko, «The Crying or the Lament on the Occasion of Honoured Hryhoriy Zheliborsky’s Leaving This World» by P. Prezviter, «Lament on the Death of Leontiy Karpovych» by M. Smotrytsky, «Lament on the Death of the Blessed Ioan Vasylevych» by D. Andriievych. Sometimes in the titles of these works the authors used the synonyms «epicedium», «threnody», «threnos», and «crying». The ancient Ukrainian laments were of a syncretic nature. Their structure could include heraldic epigrams, prefaces, epilogues, and epitaphs. Often the elements of laments were a part of works of other genres. The brightest example of genre diffusion is «Threnos, or the Lament of the Unified Universal Eastern Apostolic Church» (1610) by M. Smotrytsky, a work of a polemical nature. The form of a lament is used in the heroic poem by M. Pashkovsky written in Polish «Ukraine, tortured by the Tatars, with a pitiful lament appeals» (Krakow, 1608). The traditions of lament are evident in poetic religious works, in particular in the Easter verses of poets from Lviv A. Skulsky and I. Volkovych. Laments are most closely related to the popular genre in Ukrainian Baroque literature – panegyric. The authors of both laments and panegyrics glorified the famous personalities, raised the actual social and ethical themes. However, the authors of panegyrics praised the virtues of the living, expressed their respect for the future, and advised how to achieve even greater success. The authors of the laments «paid tribute», often addressed God and predicted the afterlife of the deceased.

Authors and Affiliations

Галина Володимирівна Мартинюк


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Галина Володимирівна Мартинюк (2018). ЛЯМЕНТ У СИСТЕМІ ЛІТЕРАТУРНИХ ЖАНРІВ РАННЬОГО БАРОКО. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філологія, 11(19), 103-111. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-561603