Liberal political parties and organizations in the territory of Belarus in 1905 – February 1917: structure and number


The article reveals the structure of the liberal camp in the territory of Belarus at the beginning of the ХХ century. The author shows the structure and characterizes the social, national-confessional and numeral composition of the departments of all-Russian political parties (constitutional democrats, the Union of October 17, the Union for the full rights of the JewishPeople in Russia and others), regional associations, operating within the borders of Belarus and neighboring provinces (the Constitutional Catholic party of Lithuania and Belarus, organizations shared the boundary idea, the Polish national parties), as well as local organizations, functioning at the level of certain provinces or towns (Mogilev progressive party, the North-West Russian veche, Belarusian society, Minsk society of doctors and other).

Authors and Affiliations

Дмитрий Сергеевич Лавринович


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Дмитрий Сергеевич Лавринович (2017). Liberal political parties and organizations in the territory of Belarus in 1905 – February 1917: structure and number. Журнал Белорусского государственного университета. История, 0(1), 25-31.