This article discusses the sources and motivations of human behavior in the moral dimension. Starting with the ethical perspective, selected research in the field of social psychology on unethical behavior and its possi...
On the one hand, when compared with the ‘original meaning’ of politics in the Classical or Christian thought, contemporary liberal democracies in general understand politics in a reduced sense. On the other hand, however...
In this paper, the fact that there is no or little history in neuroethics is briefly considered. An open list of reasons explaining this fact is proposed as well as an open list of authors sensitive to history who adopt...
The paper analyses the case of labor migration of CIS ethnic Koreans (Koryo-saram) to South Korea. Because of an ethnicity-based preferential policy, they are offered better conditions than other migrants, but in many ca...
W artykule poruszono zagadnienie zrównoważonego rozwoju. Przedstawiono je z perspektywy sprawiedliwości społecznej. Zasadniczy wątek dotyczy sprawiedliwości międzygeneracyjnej skierowanej na przyszłe pokolenia. Przyjęto...
EP ID EP80217
Views 96
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How To Cite
Marian Skrzypek (2014). L’idée de la république universelle pendant la Révolution Française. Studies in Global Ethics and Global Education, 1(),
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Dlaczego ludzie postępują niezgodnie z obowiązującymi normami moralnymi? Konfrontacja perspektywy etycznej z badaniami psychologicznymi
This article discusses the sources and motivations of human behavior in the moral dimension. Starting with the ethical perspective, selected research in the field of social psychology on unethical behavior and its possi...
Testimony as Political Argument
On the one hand, when compared with the ‘original meaning’ of politics in the Classical or Christian thought, contemporary liberal democracies in general understand politics in a reduced sense. On the other hand, however...
Neuroethics and the History of Moral Thought
In this paper, the fact that there is no or little history in neuroethics is briefly considered. An open list of reasons explaining this fact is proposed as well as an open list of authors sensitive to history who adopt...
Semi-Compliant labor migrants in South Korea: Koryo-saram diaspora and their lessons for global development
The paper analyses the case of labor migration of CIS ethnic Koreans (Koryo-saram) to South Korea. Because of an ethnicity-based preferential policy, they are offered better conditions than other migrants, but in many ca...
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W artykule poruszono zagadnienie zrównoważonego rozwoju. Przedstawiono je z perspektywy sprawiedliwości społecznej. Zasadniczy wątek dotyczy sprawiedliwości międzygeneracyjnej skierowanej na przyszłe pokolenia. Przyjęto...