Life Design Dialogue – A New Form of Career and Life Design Interventions
Journal Title: Studia Poradoznawcze - Year 2018, Vol 7, Issue
This paper describes theoretical foundations and methodology of life design dialogues. They are meant to help people conceive of, construct and direct their active lives. Contrary to employability guidance interventions, these dialogues do not operate on the assumption that people always respond to the active life issue by making their life meaningful through fitting in present work organizations and exchange (without excluding such an answer). These dialogues were elaborated by a synthesis of knowledge in humanities and social sciences relating to the process and factors involved in the construction of self. This synthesis describes subjective identity as a dynamic system of subjective identity forms. It also assumes that a person plays a role in this system’s dyna mics through two forms of reflexivity: dual and trine. It is mainly the latter that is mobilized during the life design dialogue, which consists in face to face meeting including four moments: (1) constructing a working alliance, (2) making an inventory of activities, experiences, roles etc., that the individual considers to be playing an important role in their life, (3) personal narratives relating to „her/himself during all of her/his different major experiences” that allow them to sketch visions of the future that make their existence meaningful and (4) defining further actions, kinds of behaviour to develop and conclusion of the dialogue.
Authors and Affiliations
Jean Guichard
Jean Guichard, Marcelline Bangali, Valérie Cohen-Scali, Jacques Pouyaud, Marie-Line Robinet (2017). Concevoir et orienter sa vie: les dialogues de conseil en life design [Designing a life: the life-design dialogues], Paris: Editions Qui Plus Est, ss. 196
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