Life Style Diseases and Its Cure through Yoga Practices
Journal Title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research - Year 2014, Vol 2, Issue 9
Advances in medical sciences and better living conditions have increased the life expectancy .Biological ageing is correlated with increased morbidity, mortality and poor health states. This together changing life styles and urbanization has brought a radical shift in the types of health problem being faced by populations in the developing world giving rise to an epidemic of chronic diseases. Life style means pattern of individual practices and personal behavioral choices that are related to elevated or reduced heath risk. Life style diseases or diseases of civilization are diseases that appear to increase in frequency as countries become more industrialized and people live longer. They can include Heart disease, diabetic, Stroke, Alzheimers, Cirrhosis, Asthma, Hyper tension etc. These are caused to a large extent by dietary changes in relation to socio economic and living environmental conditions. The stress of modern living is causing enormous a burden on health care globally. Poor eating habits sleep deprivation and secondary life style has contributed to growth of life style diseases. Hyper tension is associated with the incidence of some diet related non-communicable diseases such as stroke and coronary heart diseases .Life style diseases are different from other diseases because they are potentially preventable, and can be lowered with changes in diet, life style, and environment and by supplement with vitamin D. According to WHO, world’s death from life style disease will double by 2015 unless all out effort is taken to combat them? Main causes /reasons of these life style diseases are Habits, Unhealthy lifestyles/Behaviors Impact Factor 3.79 ISSN (e)-2347-176x Dr. Sreekumar. D.Menon , Dr. Manoj. K .A JMSCR Volume 2 Issue 9 September 2014 Page 2358 JMSCR Volume||2||Issue||9||Page 2357-2265||September-2014 2014 and Practices etc. Yoga is re-union of mind and body to the God. Depending upon the way in which it is practicing it can be divided into several types like ”Khada yoga”, ”Dhyana yoga”, “Raja yoga”, ”Sidha yoga” etc. Normally Indians are practicing Khada yoga (hatha yoga).It is nothing but bending and stretching of the bodies. This is the only exercise which starts and ends with prayer to the God. Yoga practice imparting positive energy to us. It will give a energy throughout life
Authors and Affiliations
Dr Sreekumar D Menon
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