
У науковому опануванні реформи, пов’язаної з ліквідацією машинно-тракторних станцій (1958 р.), виокремлюється науковий доробок радянських дослідників часів «застою» та «перебудови», які по суті здійснили ревізію сукупності наукових праць періоду «відлиги» та їх методологічних підстав. Усупереч обмеженням, обумовленим історіографічною ситуацією, посиленням партійно-урядової політики ідеологізації історичної науки, гуманітаристика накопичила якийсь фактологічний матеріал та згенерувала низку міркувань, що є актуальними до нашого часу. In the accumulation of historical knowledge in Soviet humanities, three periods can be distinguished in the dissolution of machine-tractor stations (MTS): the first - from the late 1950's until the removal of M. Khrushchev from the power; the second one – from the mid1960s to the mid-1980s; the third – from the second half of 1980's to the early 1990's. The foundation for the reform study associated with MTS dissolution was laid during the so called "thaw". In the first historiographical period, the scientific study of an important reform was focused on the transformation problem and its expected positive effects: the examples of allegedly more effective use of equipment acquired by the collective-farms and the effective transition of mechanization personnel to the usage of this equipment. In the second period, abstract Soviet social-science formulas were used to express the approval of the changes, namely: "a new step in the improvement of socialist industrial relations", "the development of the collective-farm system", "promoting closer relations between peasantry and working class and its positive impact on the entire life of the collective-farms». The second period was marked by a real increase in the knowledge about the history of transformation. Historians-agrarians specified the reform causes. Under the influence of post-Khrushchev party assessment of the dissolution process of MTS, the subject of consideration became negative features in changes of the industrial and technical maintenance of collective-farms. First of all the researchers pointed out, the hasty transformations that affected the weak collective-farms, which did not have the necessary funds to buy the machinery, as well as undermining the repair base of agriculture. The researchers noted that high expenditures of collective-farms, together with old procurement prices for agricultural products, led to a wage reduction in collective-farms. Soviet economists and historians found out that there were a lot of old cars among the tractors sold to the Ukrainian republic. Scientists noted the incommensurability of the cost of some brands of tractors and overhaul in the RTS, which ranged from one third to half the price of the new product. It was also mentioned erroneous vision of the state administration as for the collective-farms provision with a sufficient number of machinery, which led to a reduction of machines after the reform, their lack in collective-farms and, in the end, the disruption of all agricultural machinery. The facts were revealed about the deterioration of machinery use and storage, instability of mechanization personnel in the first post-reform period. Adverse signs of transformation were interpreted as subjectivity manifestation, and together with others, led to the deterioration of agricultural products data. At the same time, in individual works the increase of labor productivity per unit of equipment was reflected in post-reform time. Some scholars expressed the opinion that a more effective means of improving the technical maintenance of collective-farms would get the system “collectivefarms–MTS” better. The dependence on the political and ideological factors was revealed in additional scientific works in which the researchers of the second period indicated the negative features of reform implementation but the same scientists did not notice them in the first period of research. Starting from the third historiographical period, the period of "restructuring", it became possible in the USSR to get acquainted with the works of Western social scientists who, without rejecting the expediency of reform for the development of the Soviet collectivefarm system, noted the existence of certain positive results in the long run. The dual reform assessment in research was preserved in the third period. Some scholars described the transformation as a correct one, which deserves the approval (the monetary relations between farms were enhanced).

Authors and Affiliations

Yulia Korobka


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Yulia Korobka (2017). ЛІКВІДАЦІЯ МАШИННО-ТРАКТОРНИХ СТАНЦІЙ: ІСТОРІОГРАФІЯ ПИТАННЯ В ДРУГІЙ ПОЛОВИНІ 1960-х – НАПРИКІНЦІ 1980-х рр.. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія, 7(20), 70-83. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-432100