Linear Programming for Aggregate Production Planning in a Textile Company
Journal Title: Fibres and Textiles in Eastern Europe - Year 2018, Vol 26, Issue 5
This article aims to propose and implement an aggregated production planning model to provide optimal strategies in the medium term for a textile company, for which a linear programming model is proposed to minimise total costs associated with labour and inventory levels. The model proposed takes into account characteristics associated with fabric contraction, wastes in the process, the efficiency of new employees, and training requirements. The model is implemented and solved in GAMS, supported on an MSExcel interface, to find the optimal solution, which is to apply a hybrid strategy to the production plan, and also some strategies for improving the production process are generated.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Emiro Antonio Campo, Jose Alejandro Cano Cano, Rodrigo Andrés Gómez-Montoya
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