Linguistic turn and an anthropological self-reflection

Journal Title: PRZEGLĄD SOCJOLOGII JAKOŚCIOWEJ - Year 2013, Vol 9, Issue 3


The idea of an anthropologist as a transparent subject in epistemological process was challenged by the “linguistic turn.” This new approach led to the critical analysis focused on anthropological discourse and way of the reconstruction of an anthropologist’s epistemological experience. The critique was not an intrinsic one. It established reflection on an researcher’s role and – in consequence – enforced taking into the notice an ontoepistemological limitations of the process. The paper is focused on the analysis of selected elements of this critique, in particular the critique of “realistic” discourse of so called modernist anthropology and reconstruction of the field according to the local and translocal cognitive structures. The New Critique showed how researcher is entangled as a subject of cognition and introduced “the native” as a subject in discourse. This change, that took over 30 years, led the author to an attempt to transfer some elements of anthropologist’s epistemological selfreflection to the sociology.

Authors and Affiliations

Bartłomiej Walczak


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How To Cite

Bartłomiej Walczak (2013). Linguistic turn and an anthropological self-reflection. PRZEGLĄD SOCJOLOGII JAKOŚCIOWEJ, 9(3), 110-123.