Literary reminiscences in the media texts as means of popularization reading

Journal Title: Communications and Communicative Technologies - Year 2019, Vol 0, Issue 19


Literary reminiscences are often used in journalistic texts. They can be implemented into journalistic materials in various forms: it may be a reference to a literary work, characters, other images, or citation of the text. Literary reminiscences are used by the authors of journalistic materials primarily to enhance the emotivity and expressiveness of the text. However, along with this, they also perform an important function of culture transferring. A correlation of literary reminiscences with genres has been traced and it is noted that such technique is most often found in the journalistic genres of art and journalism, in particular in essays, blogs and authors’ columns. The mention of writers’ names, famous characters or the use of fragments of literary works is connected with the functional features of these journalistic genres. The author of a journalistic text, introducing literary reminiscences to it, appeals to the reader’s basic knowledge of literature and, consequently, makes him remember something known, or refer to reference sources to find out the unknown. Literary reminiscences not only update the basic knowledge of the fiction reader, but also become a powerful stimulus for their expansion. Thus, propaganda and popularization of reading are taking place. In the process of research, in addition to general scientific methods, a descriptive and comparative methods have been used. The scientific novelty of the study is that literary reminiscences in journalistic texts are considered in the aspect of reading popularization for the first time. The study may complement the curricula of the courses “Theory and History of Journalism”, “Mass Communication and Information”, “Practical Stylistics”, “Publicism”, “Theory of Social Communications” in the aspect of the role of media in the popularization of reading. Prospect for the further research is a more detailed analysis of literary reminiscences in the media texts, in particular, the search for references to works of Ukrainian literature.

Authors and Affiliations

V. Khmil-Chupryna


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  • EP ID EP612262
  • DOI 10.15421/291912
  • Views 91
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How To Cite

V. Khmil-Chupryna (2019). Literary reminiscences in the media texts as means of popularization reading. Communications and Communicative Technologies, 0(19), 84-89.