Lithuanions Emigration Factors and Their Control Opportunities

Journal Title: Profesinės Studijos: Teorija ir Praktika - Year 2008, Vol 4, Issue 4


In our world becoming more and more global, lots of idea and people flows are crossing borders like never before. These processes virtually change our communities. Most of the communities for the first time acquire ethnical variety, other notice that the multiethnic models transform or become stronger. However in all societies individuals start communicating with the others who think, look and live differently. These interactions go on also in the personal communication due to global migration as well as through images transferred by mass media and internet. Some people welcome this ethnical and cultural complexity deeming it a lively component of cosmopolitan society. Others think it is threatening. Fundamentalists look for shelter in strong traditions, refusing from dialogue with the others. Most of ethnical conflicts going on in today’s world can be seen as expression of such fundamentalist attitudes. One of the main challenges in our world is how to create a community with more cosmopolitan nature.. Thanks to patient efforts, Truth and Oneness in the South African Republic showed that it is really difficult to create open and respectful forum for communication, but it is the first step towards racial union. Migration processes in Lithuania are predetermined by economic and social factors. Globalization process play a role. Migration includes both emigration – going away, but also immigration, i.e. coming to the country. These two sides of a coin replenish each other. After Lithuania restored independence in 1990, emigration flows started growing. In 2004 after Lithuania has become EU member state and people now can move freely, emigration became even more intense. Willy-nilly, Lithuanian nationals leave their motherland employing one of the basic freedoms of EU formation: freedom to choose an EU country and to live and work there. Free movement is matter of course in a free world, however if some boundary is overstepped, it becomes dangerous. One can understand those willing to earn more and to live better, but such which cannot be absolute. State has to create conditions for the people could work and live good at home. During the last 17 years more and more people emigrated than immigrated. This led to reduction, ageing in population, gap between sexes and ages, lack of manpower especially qualified one. Minds rapidly are draining out of Lithuania, which extremely adversely affects science development and general progress of Lithuania. Tens even hundreds of most gifted scientists, doctors, engineers and other highly qualified specialists leave Lithuania annually. Little from the most gifted students studying abroad, return to Lithuania. Scientists and experts dealing with “mind drainage” problem agree on one matter: in order the most gifted specialists stayed in Lithuania, there must be a desirable place to work and advance. Mind drainage reasons are different from those of young families’ emigration. Emigration is influenced by both insufficient resources and opportunities to survive, differences in salaries, low or unpopular qualification as well as lack of the means to combine family and professional life. Due to partial work migration, when one or both parents go to work abroad, leaving the nuclear family in Lithuania, social capital – family – becomes weaker. Labour migration problem, which is among the urgent topics for national discourse now, isn’t new: 19th century, 20th century Lithuanian history is full of emigration peaks and ebbs. Lack of manpower adversely impacts economic development of the country. as positive consequences one can mention reduced unemployment, better occupation, larger salary, financial support for the families from their emigrated members as well as cultural exchange etc. [u][/u]

Authors and Affiliations

Vitalija Šimkienė, Anželika Šerikova, Jurgita Bagdonavičiūtė


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How To Cite

Vitalija Šimkienė, Anželika Šerikova, Jurgita Bagdonavičiūtė (2008). Lithuanions Emigration Factors and Their Control Opportunities. Profesinės Studijos: Teorija ir Praktika, 4(4), 94-99.