Liturgia jako miejsce budowania wspólnoty

Journal Title: Sympozjum - Year 2015, Vol 29, Issue 2


The community of the Church has feature of every community therefore it can be describe by the aid of social instruments. However few essential components are not subjects to these criteria. Its foundation determine the Paschal sacrifice of Jesus Christ, which is present continually in the liturgical celebration and define the way of life of the members of the church. Also the criteria of time and space apply in different way to the Church. The members of the Church are not only people who are alive but also saints of all times and our brothers and sisters who are awaiting the cleansing in purgatory. The whole Church reveals therefore fully in liturgical celebration. There He renews and strengthens. The power for His activity in connection with salvation of men draws from liturgy where Christ in sacramental signs can achieve the change of man and assure the unity of the whole community: saints in heaven - Christian living on the earth - brothers in purgatory. Liturgy is the place for building christian community of the Church.

Authors and Affiliations

Stanisław Mieszczak


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How To Cite

Stanisław Mieszczak (2015). Liturgia jako miejsce budowania wspólnoty. Sympozjum, 29(2), 51-64.