Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія - Year 2016, Vol 6, Issue 15
В статті розглянутий лобізм в різних науково-політичних інтерпретаціях. Поданий аналіз багатоманітності підходів до визначення поняття «лобізм» у вітчизняній та закордонній науковій літературі. Враховуючи теоретичні наукові підходи до визначення лобізму подано його авторське трактування. Представлені теоретичні аспекти лобістської діяльності. На основі систематизації наукових доробок удосконалена класифікація лобізму. The article describes lobbyism in different scientific and political interpretations. Given the substantive burden of the research, the following range of work: First, it presents the analysis of the various approaches to the definition of "lobbying" in domestic and foreign scientific literature. It is shown that generally scientists are lobbying as institutionalised phenomenon, considering that in most countries it has a latent form. Therefore, the paper emphasizes that in the interpretation of lobbying must take into account that it can be not only legal, but also shady and corrupt. Thus, on the basis of studied scientific sources proved the existence of variable approaches to the interpretation of this concept. Secondly, given the theoretical scientific approaches to the definition of lobbying presents the author's interpretation, which defines it as systems and practices, the impact of interest groups or individuals on the decisions of certain authorities or some of their representatives to accomplish specific needs (interests). Thirdly, the theoretical aspects of lobbying activities. Considering the lobbying we must remember that it can be formalized in legal terms. In Ukraine lobbying, in most, developing where the issues of redistribution of economic resources, ownership, monopolization of infrastructure, privatization of business corporations. Fourthly, on the basis of extensive analysis of different scientific approaches to the classification of the subjects of lobbying, it is concluded that to classify the latter is necessary, given the degree of institutionalization of lobbying in the state. Thus, divided on professional lobbyists (legal), unprofessional (illegal) and "internal", i.e. representatives of authorities that are dealing with personal issues at the Institute that they represent. Fifth, given the multi-faceted nature of the subject matter of the investigated phenomenon, presents author's classification of lobbying. Namely: by the nature of activity of subjects of lobbying (professional, Amateur); territorial specificities (Central, regional, local); the degree of legitimation (institutionalized, illegal); goals (political, economic, cultural, social, legal, etc); on the orientation to the object of lobbying (governmental, parliamentary, judicial); by group membership of the subjects of lobbying (politicized representatives of political associations, business structures, oligarch groups; social – representatives of nongovernmental organizations, trade unions; financial and industrial corporations, industrial infrastructure); for the ways and methods of impact (direct, indirect and internal); time of the action (planned, spontaneous, permanent) Sixthly, made the goal and objectives of the study: the systematic theoretical approaches to the concept of lobbying as a socio-political phenomenon; the state of scientific approaches to the interpretation of lobbying as a socio-political phenomenon; on the basis of systematisation of scientific research the author's definition and classification of lobbying.
Authors and Affiliations
I. Vorchakova
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