Localization on the territory of Orelsky-in the Samara region two field redoubt during the Russian-Turkish war of 1735–1739 years


The materials analysis of written and cartographic sources, as well as the results of its field-based archaeological investigations, during which the territory between the Oril-Samara regions were found the remains of two redoubts during the Russian-Turkish war of 1735–1739 years. Particular attention is paid to clarify the engineering features of these fortifications and the study of the conditions of their topographic location. Also, it attempts to define the strategic importance of the detected redoubts on the steppe road that was used by the Dnieper army during the campaign on the Crimean peninsula in 1736. Also based on archival cartographic material reconstruction of the journey from the river to the river Kilcheni Orelie, who performed military march column Dnieper army, headed B. H. von Munnich in campaign 1736. A topographic binding to it detected redoubts. Found that in its engineering features found fortifications are of the double redoubts. Localization and mapping the terrain redoubts helps to clarify some segments passage path that was used Dnieper army during the campaign against the Crimea campaign in 1736 remains Detection redoubts opened new opportunities to enhance the search and study of objects of field fortifications built in the western watershed Aurelie and Samara during the Russo-Turkish War 1735–1739 years.

Authors and Affiliations

Dmytro Filimonov


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  • EP ID EP202594
  • DOI 10.15421/261621
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How To Cite

Dmytro Filimonov (2016). Localization on the territory of Orelsky-in the Samara region two field redoubt during the Russian-Turkish war of 1735–1739 years. Вісник Дніпропетровського університету. Серія Історія та археологія., 24(1), 129-141. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-202594