Lebanese Hizballah (‘Party of God’) is ideologically correlated with Islamic Republic of Iran and thus Hizballah seems to be one of crucial element in the modern understanding of Shia doctrine wilaya al-faqih. � � � � �...
The paper is a continuation of the publication presenting the Soviet (USSR)-
-Chinese (Chinese Republic) negotiations in the period from 30 June to 9 July 1945. Continuation of ongoing to 14 August 1945 Soviet-Chinese ne...
The struggle for oil and gas in the eastern Mediterranean between Israel, Turkey, Lebanon, Cyprus and the Palestinian Autonomy can become and is becoming a hotbed of new regional conflict. None of these countries will no...
Poland in the period of post-1990s economic transformation did not create a vision of the functioning of the maritime economy. It was considered that it is too small a sector of the economy to create its development prog...
Podstawy ideologiczne libańskiego Hezbollahu
Lebanese Hizballah (‘Party of God’) is ideologically correlated with Islamic Republic of Iran and thus Hizballah seems to be one of crucial element in the modern understanding of Shia doctrine wilaya al-faqih. � � � � �...
Radziecko (ZSRR)-chińskie (Republika Chińska) negocjacje w 1945 roku (od 11 lipca 1945 roku)
The paper is a continuation of the publication presenting the Soviet (USSR)- -Chinese (Chinese Republic) negotiations in the period from 30 June to 9 July 1945. Continuation of ongoing to 14 August 1945 Soviet-Chinese ne...
Gaz w Izraelu: utrudnienie czy zwiększenie szansy na pokój na Bliskim Wschodzie
The struggle for oil and gas in the eastern Mediterranean between Israel, Turkey, Lebanon, Cyprus and the Palestinian Autonomy can become and is becoming a hotbed of new regional conflict. None of these countries will no...
Polityka morska Rzeczpospolitej a realia gospodarczego wykorzystania morza w latach 1990-2015
Poland in the period of post-1990s economic transformation did not create a vision of the functioning of the maritime economy. It was considered that it is too small a sector of the economy to create its development prog...
Europejska idea uniwersytetu. Na ile pozostaje wzorcem dla reformy nauki i szkolnictwa wyższego w Polsce 2012 roku?