Long standing migrated foreign body in neck- A surgeon’s nightmare

Journal Title: Perspectives In Medical Research - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 3


Foreign body ingestion is a most frequent clinical emergency requiring quick action to ensure speedy recovery and minimize the complications. At times, if foreign bodies are sharp, they can pierce the wall of pharynx, oesophagus and may appear extraluminally either in the wall or in the soft tissues of neck. Migrated foreign bodies are very rare but may result in life threatening suppurative or vascular complications. Hence removal at the earliest is essential. We present a rare case of one month old neglected migrated foreign body in the left side of the anterior neck which was removed successfully by neck exploration.

Authors and Affiliations

Preeti Shetti,


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How To Cite

Preeti Shetti, (2017). Long standing migrated foreign body in neck- A surgeon’s nightmare. Perspectives In Medical Research, 5(3), 77-79. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-302399