Long-term results of meningiomas surgical treatment. Analysis of 110 cases
Journal Title: ScienceRise: Medical Science - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 4
Meningioma is the most common intracranial tumor in adults. Often epilepsy is a major clinical manifestation of meningioma. Surgical treatment is a method of choice in patients with meningioma. The early results of the operation and the impact of operations on symptomatic epilepsy are well studied. However, long-term results are poorly investigated. Aim: We were interested in the evaluation of long-term results of surgical treatment of supratentorial meningiomas of the brain and their comparison with the early, as well as the dynamics of symptomatic epilepsy in these patients. Materials and methods: A retrospective analysis of the course of the disease was performed in 110 patients with totally removed supratentorial meningioma of the brain. The long-term results of the effectiveness of surgical treatment are evaluated. The average duration of observation was 48 months (13-83). Results: Neurological deficiency in the preoperative period was observed in 50 patients; at the time of discharge in 40, with an assessment in the distant period - in 12, out of 36 evaluated. Two patients had a hematoma in the removed tumor bed. Postoperative lethality was 1.8% - two patients with vascular complications. 30 of the 40 patients who had epilepsy before the operation became free of attacks after the intervention. In 10 of 40 patients, epilepsy remained. Including 2 patients due to continued growth of meningiomas. In 7 of the 70 patients who did not have attacks before surgery, there were early and / or late postoperative seizures for various reasons. 87 (79%) of tumors were highly differentiated, anaplastic meningioma was detected in 5 (4.5%) patients Conclusions: Total removal of meningiomas can achieve good long-term results. In our series of cases, only 12 (11%) of the neurological deficits with long-term observation were observed in 50 (45.4%) patients who had prior surgery. Symptomatic epilepsy was regressed in 75% of patients. There was an appearance of attacks in 7 patients with 70 patients who had not had an epinephrine before surgery. Histologically, 87 (79%) patients were diagnosed with grade I meningiomas
Authors and Affiliations
Taras Studeniak, Volodymyr Smolanka, Andriy Smolanka
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