Long-term trends of changes in the accomplishment of training load in annual macrocycle of Polish medium and long distance runners in junior category
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2010, Vol 20, Issue 50
[b]Purpose[/b]. The main goal was to analyze training load in the category of junior runners in last four decades. The researchers took into consideration the relationship between applied load (volume, intensity ratio) and the results of 800 and 1500 m runs.[b]Basic procedures. [/b]The main interest of carried on analyses was put on the amount of load in the year macrocycle. Rated strength of the relationship between applied load and the result of training for a distance of 1500 m was observed.[b]Main findings.[/b] Extensive increase in training load (especially in the eighties) had no bearing on the results obtained in middle-distance running in the junior category. In next years of their sporting career the competitors specialized in long-distance run. 2. Today a tendency to intensify the process of training young runners in junior category may be noticed, which does not lead to drastic improvement in the results in middle-distance run. It can be also considered as a causative factor resulting in giving up running by respondents.[b]Conclusion. [/b]The largest efficacy result in mens’ 800 m and 1500 m distinguished variant intensive training load in the annual training cycle. In determining effectiveness of training load in addition to the junior coaching experience and achievements of sports theory should be used as well as current scientific knowledge.
Authors and Affiliations
Wacław Mirek, Edward Mleczko
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