Los Caballos del Vino: leyenda e historia

Journal Title: Alquipir - Year 2022, Vol 17, Issue 1


The tradition of the Caballos del Vino (Horses carrying wine) festival in Caravaca de la Cruz, Murcia, which has become an Intangible Heritage of Humanity, amalgamates history with legend. This article will take a historical journey from the first known facts about its origin and its evolution to become much more than a tradition: a sign of identity, a unique feeling and experience for Caravaca and its inhabitants and, for others, a tourist attraction that has crossed the borders of our nation. We analyse the strong link that unites this tradition with religiosity and miraculous beliefs, and evaluate the activities associated to the Caballos del Vino as well as their social and economic repercussions for the whole Region of Murcia.

Authors and Affiliations

Josué Natanael Lorente Vidal


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How To Cite

Josué Natanael Lorente Vidal (2022). Los Caballos del Vino: leyenda e historia. Alquipir, 17(1), -. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-714019