Low Bay Regional Geology and Surrounding District Nan Gedang District Sorolangon District Jambi Province and Andesit Resources Potential


The results of previous researchers still disagree about the age and stratigraphic relationship of the Muara Enim Musper Formation 1937 , Marks 1956 interpreted middle Miocene age, while De Coster 1974 Saito, Saito 1985 interpreted middle Miocene Pliocene age. Detailed geomorphological discussions can be described and mapped based on the distinguishing characteristics. Geomorphological units of the study area can be grouped into 2 two geomorphological units based on the landscape formation genes proposed by Davis 1954 in Thornburry 1967 which include aspects of structure, process and status and then this principle is then elaborated by 19 Lobeck with a landscape classification natural. In the context of regional autonomy, the potential for minerals is one of the assets that needs to be utilized. To utilize the potential of mining excavation in the Ciwandan area and its surroundings, Ciwandan District, Cilegon Regency, Jambi Province. This activity needs to be carried out in advance research and study of its development prospects and be prepared in a concise, concise and systematic manner. In evaluating andesitic deposits in the study area, in relation to other uses, an analytical method is needed. This analysis method includes field observations, petrographic observations and physical rock observations. Sahat Putra Martua | Bambang Sunarwan | Iit Adhitia Prihatna "Low Bay Regional Geology and Surrounding District, Nan Gedang District, Sorolangon District, Jambi Province and Andesit Resources Potential" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-3 , April 2020, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd30341.pdf Paper Url :https://www.ijtsrd.com/engineering/geological-engineering/30341/low-bay-regional-geology-and-surrounding-district-nan-gedang-district-sorolangon-district-jambi-province-and-andesit-resources-potential/sahat-putra-martua

Authors and Affiliations

Sahat Putra Martua | Bambang Sunarwan | Iit Adhitia Prihatna


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Sahat Putra Martua, Bambang Sunarwan (2020). Low Bay Regional Geology and Surrounding District Nan Gedang District Sorolangon District Jambi Province and Andesit Resources Potential. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 4(3), -. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-686117