Wegener's granulomatosis is an uncommon autoimmue disease with multi-system involvement, characterized by necrotizing granulomatous inflammation of the upper and lower respiratory tracts and general focal necrotizing vas...
Encephalitis is a major cause of acute neurological dysfunction among children and constitutes a medical emergency. Acute infectious encephalitis is usually viral in etiology. However, immune-mediated encephalitis, which...
Streptococcus Pyogens, a group A beta hemolytic bacteria causes a variety of diseases in children ranging from acute pharyngitis to acute rheumatic fever and acute glomerulonephritis. In addition it has emerged as import...
Decisions And Outcomes After Chest X Ray In Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
A Rare Case of Wegeners Granulomatosis With Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis In a Child
Wegener's granulomatosis is an uncommon autoimmue disease with multi-system involvement, characterized by necrotizing granulomatous inflammation of the upper and lower respiratory tracts and general focal necrotizing vas...
Intensive care issues in Acute Encephalitis in Children
Encephalitis is a major cause of acute neurological dysfunction among children and constitutes a medical emergency. Acute infectious encephalitis is usually viral in etiology. However, immune-mediated encephalitis, which...
Uncommon Presentation of Streptococcus Pyogens Manifesting as Sudden Neck Swelling Leading to Respiratory Distress - A series of 3 cases in children
Streptococcus Pyogens, a group A beta hemolytic bacteria causes a variety of diseases in children ranging from acute pharyngitis to acute rheumatic fever and acute glomerulonephritis. In addition it has emerged as import...
To Find Number Of Patients Admitted In PICU With Hypoglycemia, Hyperglycemia And Variable Blood Glucose And To Correlate Its Effect With The Outcome