Lower canine impaction caused by contralateral canine transmigration - case report
Journal Title: Forum Ortodontyczne - Year 2009, Vol 5, Issue 1
Permanent canine impaction is more common in the maxilla than mandible. Nevertheless, transmigration i.e. intraosseous migration of the tooth across the midline, affects mainly the lower canines. The aim of the study was the presentation of a 15-year-old patient with the right lower canine transmigration. The crown of transmigrated canine reached the impacted permanent left canine, thus preventing its eruption. Intraoral examination revealed the persistent deciduous right lower canine and mild Class II malocclusion with retrusion of the upper incisors. Radiographs showed vestibular positioning of the impacted canines. Horizontally situated transmigrated canine did not resorb superiorly located roots of the lower incisors. Since the transmigrated canine`s root apex was closed, autotransplantation was not performed. Treatment plan involved surgical removal of the transmigrated right canine, bringing the impacted left canine into the dental arch while the persistent deciduous contralateral canine was left in place and correction of the malocclusion. Upper dental arch management aimed at protrusion of the incisors and creating favourable conditions for spontaneous advancement of the mandible. Lower dental arch management included preserving adequate space for the impacted in the bone permanent left canine, locating it at the right place and aligning the incisors. Orthodontic-surgical treatment was terminated after 22 months. (Orthod. Forum 2008; 5: 11 - 16). Received: 12.01.2009 Accepted: 23.03.2009
Authors and Affiliations
Anna Sławatyńska, Izabella Dunin-Wilczyńska
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