Lustra i echa. Filmowe adaptacje dzieł Shakespeare’a, red. Olga Katafiasz, Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Teatralna im. Ludwika Solskiego w Krakowie, Kraków 2017, ss. 434
Journal Title: Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich - Year 2018, Vol 61, Issue 4
Authors and Affiliations
Kamila Żyto
Wyobraźnia, empatia i twórcze pisanie / Imagination, Empathy and Creative Writing
The author analyzes the exercises in Polish creative writing guides, involving imagination, sensitivity and empathy. The article is an attempt to answer the question: what is the role of exercise in the stimulation of th...
Lacan on Love: An Exploration of Lacan’s Seminar VIII
Ideologema de la modernidad en el discurso de l asvanguardias cubanas / The Ideologeme of Modernity in the Discourse of Cuban Avant-garde Movements
Under the common denomination of Cuban avant-garde, the present article gathers texts of versatile subject matters and poetics: Regino Pedroso’s “Salutación fraterna del taller mecánico” (1927), Manuel Navarro Luna’s Sur...
Pisarz (i czytelnik) w laboratorium, czyli od twórczego pisania do twórczego programowania — przypadek Twine / Writer (and Reader) in a Laboratory, or from Creative Writing to Creative Programming — Case Study of Twine
This paper proposes a reflection on how to introduce some aspects of programming into creative writing study programs. Educational implementation of Twine is an analyzed case study. The problem is discussed in the contex...
Obcowanie z obcymi. O ludzko-obcych hybrydach w Wojnie światów Herberta George’a Wellsa i Drakuli Brama Stokera
Berhard Waldenfels claimed that at the turn of 18th and 19th century “the alien explicitly and definitely penetrated the heart of the reason and the heart of the one’s own” in Western culture. Since then we no longer liv...