The author proves that visual type of world perception dominated among the writers of Baroque era based on many examples of neo-Latin works of the Ukrainian-Polish frontier. The predominance of abstract vocabulary is the...
The aim of the article by Mykola Zhulinskyy is to analyze the prognostic potential of Taras Shevchenko, who expressed the national spirit in the form of his native language. The author using Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spir...
Stepan Heley analyzes the role and importance of research in the humanities conducted by the Shevchenko Scientific Society during 140 years of its activity. The article emphasizes the fact that the Shevchenko Scientific...
Walentyna Sobol (2016). Львів, 26.03.2016: XXVII Наукова Сесія Наукового Товариства ім. Шевченка в Україні. Studia Polsko-Ukraińskie, 3(),
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Скарбниця ідей та думок: сучасна версія Євангелія учительного Кирила Транквіліона Ставровецького (Кирило Транквіліон Ставровецький, Учительне Євангеліє, переклад з ц.-сл. Б. Криса, Д. Сироїд, Т. Трофименко, Свічадо, Львів 2014, сс. 680)
Візуальна домінанта в бароковій неолатиністиці українського-польського порубіжжя
The author proves that visual type of world perception dominated among the writers of Baroque era based on many examples of neo-Latin works of the Ukrainian-Polish frontier. The predominance of abstract vocabulary is the...
„Жива душа поетова святая...” Шевченко: духовне здійснення слова
The aim of the article by Mykola Zhulinskyy is to analyze the prognostic potential of Taras Shevchenko, who expressed the national spirit in the form of his native language. The author using Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spir...
Гуманітарні науки в дослідженнях НТШ
Stepan Heley analyzes the role and importance of research in the humanities conducted by the Shevchenko Scientific Society during 140 years of its activity. The article emphasizes the fact that the Shevchenko Scientific...
Few Remarks on the Book by Krzysztof Pietkiewicz Ruthenian Paleography, Wydawnictwo DiG, Warsaw 2015, ss. 612