Machine Learning Vs Human Learning Can Machines get depressed?
Journal Title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) - Year 2019, Vol 18, Issue 1
Building on the unique study on Virtual Patients in Psychiatry by the author, a computer generated model of depression is sought to be generated. To this end a machine learning model for the depressed facies, body language and features of depression needs to be developed for which its opposite Mania as a 3D computer graphic generated model is studied as compared to a Schizophrenia model. These are evaluated by 90 medical students on 5 dimensions each. When statistics were applied to their observations it was found that in the case of Mania only Elated mood was the significant predictor of Mania where as in Schizophrenia Delusions, Passivity phenomena and living in one’s own world were the predictors on regression analysis while Auditory Hallucinations also had significance in the correlation analysis. The inference has profound implications for machine learning as a paradigm versus human learning in depression which is discussed at length.
Authors and Affiliations
Dr. C. Radhakanth, N. Lakshman Rao
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