Macro-economic Analysis based on Econometric Models

Journal Title: Revista Romana de Statistica - Year 2014, Vol 62, Issue 10


The authors propose the identification and measurement of the existing correlation between the evolution of the country’s final consumption (total of sum of private and public consumption), net investment and GDP variation. The analysis methodology is based on linear multiple regression, defining the GDP as outcome variables and the variable factor the final consumption value and net investments in Romania.

Authors and Affiliations

Constantin ANGHELACHE, Gabriela Victoria ANGHELACHE, Ioan PARTACHI, Emilia STANCIU, Bogdan DRAGOMIR


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How To Cite

Constantin ANGHELACHE, Gabriela Victoria ANGHELACHE, Ioan PARTACHI, Emilia STANCIU, Bogdan DRAGOMIR (2014). Macro-economic Analysis based on Econometric Models. Revista Romana de Statistica, 62(10), 46-54.