The objects studied in this work in the most general terms are feminist ideas about theoppression of women in their sex life. Perspective of reflection settles on the concept ofdurable patterns-disposition systems of tho...
Social work as a specific field of practice leading, on the one hand, to establish institutional
support as well as ways of solving people’s problems and, on the other hand, as a field
plunged into bureaucratic mechanism...
The ideas embedded in Enlightenment concepts of subjectivity, understood as a coherentand rational identity, have established a universal perspective for a long time. Today,this outlook is being questioned by the experie...
EP ID EP52791
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How To Cite
Piotr Gibner (2008). MAGISTRI DOCENT Normy erotyczne w Torze i w Koranie. Miscellanea Anthropologica et Sociologica, 9(1),
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MISCELLANEA: Simone de Beauvoir’s construction of female sexuality: reception by Luce Irigaray
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The ideas embedded in Enlightenment concepts of subjectivity, understood as a coherentand rational identity, have established a universal perspective for a long time. Today,this outlook is being questioned by the experie...