Magnesium Deficiency Can Be a Sign for Predisposition to Diabetes

Journal Title: Yeni Yuzyil Journal of Medical Sciences - Year 2020, Vol 1, Issue 2


Magnesium (Mg) is one of the most abundant cation in cells and it plays crucial roles in several metabolic processes including synthesis and utilization of ATP. Magnesium-bound ATP activates a number of enzymes which regulate important cellular functions such as DNA replication, RNA synthesis, glycolysis, membrane transport, muscle contraction, generation of impulses. From a medical point of view, a disturbance of magnesium homeostasis is linked to several diseases including diabetes. Sufficient supply of intracellular Mg is required for autophosphorylation of the insulin receptor tyrosine kinase (INSR) and subsequent activation of glucose transporters in response to insulin. INSR exon 20 polymorphisms are shown to correlate with diabetes. In this study, we aimed to investigate the possible association between polymorphisms in the autophosphorylation domain of INSR (exon 20) and hypomagnesemia. A total of 27 patients positively diagnosed for diabetes and 18 healthy individuals (control group) were included in the study. On the average, Mg levels were found to be 13,1% lower in diabetes patients when compared to the control group (control: 2,06 (±0,09) mg/dL, patients: 1,79 (±0,22) mg/dL). Correlation analysis revealed a strong association between diabetes and reduced Mg levels in blood serum (rpb= -0,6 ; P=0,0001). However, we were not able to detect any INSR exon 20 polymorphisms in the samples obtained either from the control group or patients. Although, the small number of samples used in this study seems to be a limitation, ethnic variations can also play a role in INSR gene polymorphisms. In this sense, exon 20 SNPs may not be common in Turkish population. In summary, although, within normal reference range, reduced levels of Mg (≤ 1,79 mg/dL) in blood may be an early sign for individuals who may be at risk for predisposition to diabetes. Thus, a closer control of these individuals by their physicians may help detecting early signs of diabetes and take preventative measures to avoid severe complications that may arise in later years.

Authors and Affiliations

Cenk KIĞ, Ahmet ÖZKAN, Nilsu KALAYCI, Buğrahan ŞİMŞEK, Varol GÜLER, Şeref Kamil BASMACIOĞLU, Gülşen UZ, Ayşegül TOPAL SARIKAYA


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Cenk KIĞ, Ahmet ÖZKAN, Nilsu KALAYCI, Buğrahan ŞİMŞEK, Varol GÜLER, Şeref Kamil BASMACIOĞLU, Gülşen UZ, Ayşegül TOPAL SARIKAYA (2020). Magnesium Deficiency Can Be a Sign for Predisposition to Diabetes. Yeni Yuzyil Journal of Medical Sciences, 1(2), -.