Magnetic field stimulation and the quality of life in MS patients

Journal Title: Fizjoterapia Polska - Year 2010, Vol 10, Issue 3


Background. The aim of our study was to evaluate the effectiveness of magnetic field stimulation and exercise on the quality of life in multiple sclerosis patients undergoing home-based rehabilitation.Material and methods. The study involved a group of 87 patients with advanced multiple sclerosis (minimum grade 6 in the Expanded Disability Status Scale). Patients were divided into two groups. In Group I magnetic field was applied from a Viofor JPS apparatus once daily for 20 days. Group II (controls) did not receive magnetic field therapy. Patients from both groups carried out exercises at home. The clinical status was evaluated using Cendrowski’s numerical scale and the Expanded Disability Status Scale. Quality of life was examined by using an extended Testa and Simonson questionnaire. Patients were evaluated twice: before and after 20 days of rehabilitation at home. Results. An improvement was obtained in Group I, where magnetic field stimulation was applied, with regard to everyday func­tioning and such activities as personal hygiene, getting dressed, eating meals, or locomotion. There was a statistically significant impro­vement in muscle strength, sphincter control, a decrease in muscle tone, fatiguability, sensory disturbances and balance dis­tur­bances. There was also a significant improvement in the patients’ mental state and emotional function, less depression and fear and increased satisfaction with life.Conclusions. Magnetic field stimulation had a significant impact on the quality of life in multiple sclerosis patients. Exercise and magnetic field therapy in patients with advanced disability improved not only their motor ability but also mental state. Magnetic field stimulation supported and facilitated rehabilitation exercises performed at home by the MS patients.

Authors and Affiliations

Wojciech Fibiger, Anna Starowicz, Magdalena Wilk


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How To Cite

Wojciech Fibiger, Anna Starowicz, Magdalena Wilk (2010). Magnetic field stimulation and the quality of life in MS patients. Fizjoterapia Polska, 10(3), 202-210.