Magnetic Levitating Hover Board to Work as a Forklift
Journal Title: International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development - Year 2020, Vol 4, Issue 2
Nowadays storing or retrieving goods from warehouses etc. there is use forklifts extensively. They play a vital role in reducing manual labor to a great extent. It has one shortcoming in the fact that it cannot access small spaces. There is also need skilled personal to operate the vehicle. Apart from these things forklifts also get damaged due to lack of maintenance. The main objective of this magnetic levitating hover board is to access all kinds of spaces inside the workshops and further reduce human effort by using magnetic levitation principle to create a lift to assist in hovering of goods over a copper surface. Hover board is built, which makes it easy to move around heavy objects inside the workshop with minimal effort and more efficiently decreasing the time consumed in the whole process. Electronic speed controller is used to control the rpm of motor which is used to rotate the discs that contain the N52 magnets. Prof. Yogesh Ingulakar | Seshasai Akula | Prithviraj Katariya | Vishal Shende | Wasim Khan ""Magnetic Levitating Hover Board to Work as a Forklift"" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-2 , February 2020, URL: Paper Url :
Authors and Affiliations
Prof. Yogesh Ingulakar | Seshasai Akula | Prithviraj Katariya | Vishal Shende | Wasim Khan
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