Contemporary women’s prose writing has evolved along two distinct
directions: on the one hand, the recollection of a recent past, carrying
documentary, historical touches, a past linked to the communist age of the
This paper aims to present some models of temporality
emergent at the unconscious level of cultures, which are relevant in explaining
the source of various cultural differences. This approach will have the starting
Repair is one of the fundamental mechanisms for the organization of
spoken discourse, specially of natural, spontaneous conversation which is
characterized by the linearity of discourse and a scarce possibility of planni...
Un nou dicționar toponimic: Transilvania – pământ românesc
New Toponymic Dictionary
Contemporary women’s prose writing
Contemporary women’s prose writing has evolved along two distinct directions: on the one hand, the recollection of a recent past, carrying documentary, historical touches, a past linked to the communist age of the contem...
Diferenţele culturale în oglinda orizonturilor temporale
This paper aims to present some models of temporality emergent at the unconscious level of cultures, which are relevant in explaining the source of various cultural differences. This approach will have the starting point...
Mai e posibilă „întoarcerea” cititorului?
The Final Frontier - Mircea Braga
Discourse markers as signals of self-repair in spontaneous Italian language
Repair is one of the fundamental mechanisms for the organization of spoken discourse, specially of natural, spontaneous conversation which is characterized by the linearity of discourse and a scarce possibility of planni...