Major Hieronim Dekutowski ps. „Zapora” we wspomnieniach podkomendnych


The aim of this paper is to discuss the biography and activity of legendary guerrilla grouping commander in the Lubelszczyzna region, i.e. Hieronim Dekutowski aka “Zapora,” who was one of the bravest among the “Cursed/Enduring Soldiers” in Poland during the second conspiracy. This paper abounds in passages from reports by “Zapora’s” subordinates and intimate associates: Col. Marian Pawełczak aka “Morwa,” Maj. Zbigniew Matysiak aka “Kowboj,” Lt. Edward Wiesław Jeżewski aka “Sław,” Maj. Jerzy Krupa aka “Burza” and the inhabitants of the Grądy village, with whom guerrillas were quartered, i.e. Mrs Helena Zawadzka and Mr Antoni Chmura. The reports show Hieronim Dekutowski’s character in detail in the eyes of his subordinates, the nature of everyday life in the grouping, and guerrillas’ attitudes to the guerrilla warfare.

Authors and Affiliations

Beata Dagmara Kopcińska


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How To Cite

Beata Dagmara Kopcińska (2017). Major Hieronim Dekutowski ps. „Zapora” we wspomnieniach podkomendnych. Obronność - Zeszyty Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania i Dowodzenia, 0(4), 91-105.